Friday, 27 July 2012

Revenue - eBay and Paypal

It is quite likely that you have bought or sold something via eBay. Did you know that Paypal belonged to the same organisation? Below we have a chart from Venturebeat - a website that reports on stories and issues in E-Marketing - to show how the revenues from one correlate to the other. If this surprises you, try and make your next eBay deal without using Paypal.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Retronaut - Ads from Long Ago

One of my personal favourite websites is Retronaut
This site houses images from yesteryear collected by enthusiasts. Many categories for the collections, but one of the ones that appeals most to me are the collections of adverts.

Here are a couple of examples:

1. Radioactive cosmetics:

2. The wondrous new product of cellophane:

Friday, 13 July 2012

2e Published

According to our publishers, the second edition of Marketing: An Introduction is now available for purchase from all good bookshops, and frankly quite a few mediocre ones as well.